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Note: To move around the website, click on the green buttons below to view the items that you would like to look at. After making your purchase, of the item. Simply move back up to top of the page and click the "HOME" button to explore more by going back down to the next green button you would like to examine. We're constantly updating our collection, so please check back regularly for new and unique gifts. Thank you for choosing gifts and unique items. You only have to pay one invoice there will be no need to pay for each item by it's self. At check-out we honor most credit or debit cards as well as PayPal or Affirm.
Can I insert an image, video, or gif in my FAQ?Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Enter the app’s Settings 2. Click on the “Manage FAQs” button 3. Select the question you would like to add media to 4. When editing your answer click on the camera, video, or GIF icon 5. Add media from your library.
How do I add a new question & answer?To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Click “Manage FAQs” button 2. From your site’s dashboard you can add, edit and manage all your questions and answers 3. Each question and answer should be added to a category 4. Save and publish.
How do I edit or remove the “FAQ” title?You can edit the title from the Settings tab in the app. If you don’t want to display the title, simply disable the Title under “Info to Display”.
What is an FAQ section?An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.
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